The "Bronze"
6-Month Plan
Become The Leader You Aspire to Be!
Leadership Challenges Diagnostic
Psychometric Leadership Assessment
12 hours of One-to-One work with a Discovery Navigator
Access to the Discovery Resource Center
Impact Assessment via a Follow-up DYL 360 Feedback Survey
Six-Month Plan
Delivered Virtually via Zoom, Teams, Skype, or WebEx
The "Silver" Plan
Add the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) Benchmarks 360-Feedback Survey
CCL Benchmarks 360-degree Feedback Survey
The CCL 360 is debriefed by a CCL certified coach
Leadership Challenges Diagnostic
Psychometric Leadership Assessment
12 hours of One-to-One work with a Discovery Navigator
Access to the Discovery Resource Center
Impact Assessment via a Follow-up DYL 360-feedback Survey
Six-Month Plan
Delivered Virtually via Zoom, Teams, Skype, or WebEx
The "Platinum" Plan
Create an Experience that Is Perfect for You!
The CCL Benchmarks 360-degree Feedback Survey
The CCL 360 is debriefed by a CCL certified coach
Leadership Challenge Diagnostic
Psychometric "Leadership Assessment"
24 hours of One-to-One work with a Discovery Navigator
Access to the Discovery Resource Center
Impact Assessment via a Follow-up DYL 360-feedback Survey
12-Month Plan
Delivered Virtually via Zoom, Teams, Skype, or WebEx
The Career Discovery Plan
Discover the Next Step
in Your Career
5 hours of One-to-One work with a Discovery Navigator
Career Assessment Survey
Psychometric "Interpersonal Behavior" Assessment
Strategic Career Plan, which includes career options, industry expansion, network utilization, job search, and the management of executive search relationships
Comprehensive Professional Profile and Social Media presence
Reengineer your resume to target specific career opportunities
Customized interview strategies and techniques
Mock interviews
Access to the Discovery Resource Center
Client Satisfaction Survey
Delivered Virtually via Zoom, Teams, Skype, or WebEx
The Leadership
Transition Plan
Prepare to Succeed
in Your New Role
CCL Benchmarks 360-degree Feedback Survey
The CCL 360 is debriefed by a CCL certified coach
Leadership Challenges Diagnostic
Psychometric Leadership Assessment
24 hours of One-to-One work with a Discovery Navigator
Access to the Discovery Resource Center
Stakeholder Success Survey: Identify what stakeholders want
Leader Satisfaction Survey
Delivered Virtually via Zoom, Teams, Skype, or WebEx